BePulp SQ13 pokrywka kwadratowa

op.50szt.k/10) rPET Sabert

Catalogue index: PUL53501

  • End of stock ( 57 op )
  • Delivery: free
  • Catalogue index:
    • PUL53501
  • CN code:
    • 3923 50 90
  • EAN code:
    • 5410508202182
  • Original name:
    • BePulp Lid for square bowls 375ml and 500ml 13x13 cm a.50pcs (10x50pcs)
  • Producer:
PLN29.19 net / op PLN291.95  net for 1 karton PLN35.90 gross incl. 23% VAT / op


Pokrywka do PUL15012, PUL15016

szerokość: 136mm
wysokość: 18mm
materiał: rPET
kolor: bezbarwny
zakres temperatur: -20/+54°C
możliwość mycia w zmywarce: NIE
Lid for PUL15012, PUL15016

length: 136mm
width: 136mm
height: 18mm
material: rPET
color: clear
temperature range: -20/+54°C
dishwasher safe: NO

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Catalogue index:
  • PUL53501
CN code:
  • 3923 50 90
EAN code:
  • 5410508202182
Original name:
  • BePulp Lid for square bowls 375ml and 500ml 13x13 cm a.50pcs (10x50pcs)
Package weight [kg]:
  • 0.439